Wednesday, March 3, 2010

They said i should up-date my blog

Up-date: It's hot in Africa. It's even hotter in Africa when it's hot season. It's hot season therefore it is hotter in Africa right now. It has not rained since early October. They say it will most likely rain once in March...Then it will get hotter. Great.
It's the season of the 40 days before Easter, why?, because apparently there's no word in Burkina French for Lent. That means fasting, which means at roughly 2:00pm in the afternoon (when it's hot) I haven't eaten anything since roughly 6:00am when it was less hot. That means at about 2:00pm I'm hot, and hungry, and sometimes angry.I'm waiting on my bloody Jesus shirt for Easter Sunday, you'll understand once you see the pictures.
We cooked fried chicken, biscuits, with coleslaw and sweet tea this past weekend, i nearly cried it was so good.
It's exam week right now which means I've got class loads of papers to grade this weekend and next week, boo. It wouldn't be hard but reading really bad English just isn't easy. I'm going to try to make a trip at the end of this month, should be some pictures then of hippos and rocks. I know you're excited.